Priporočena literatura

The (IT) texts translated in Slovene (or Croatian) language
  1. The whole book: D.Rahm, H.Otte, S.Bosse, H.Ruhe-Holle: Introduction in IT
What follows are texts, which we received from our senior colleagues – for few of them we do not know the origin (from which book the translation was done):
  1. Renate Frühman: Mediation of the Basic Therapeutic Qualities in the Process of Learning-Therapy – From the View of IT (p.331-336)
  2. H.G.Petzold: Control Analysis and Group Supervision (p.479-488)
  3. Fourteen Healing Factors in Therapy
  4. H.G.Petzold: Integrative Therapie 4/88 (p.325-364): The Four Ways to Recovery Within IT; Part 1: Antropological and Conceptual Basis
  5. H.G.Petzold: Integrative Therapie (2.Klinische Theorie; p.457-646): The “Tree of Science” (1991) (very shortened!!! There is all together 56 pages of translation)
  6. H.G.Petzold: Grounds for Diseases in the Life of Adults – Perspectives for Diagnosis, Therapy and Life-Help – From the View of IT
  7. H.Petzold: Integrative Therapie – 3rd book (p.147-175): Theory and Practice of Dream-Treatment in IT
  8. I.Orth, H.Petzold: Analysis of Group process: Heuristic Model of Integrative Work In the Group and With Group
  9. Integrative Focal Short Therapy and Focal Diagnostics – Principles, Methods and Technics
  10. H.Petzold, I.Orth: Creative Dyagnostics of Personalities with the Help of Creative media in IT
  11. H.Petzold: Integrative Bewegungs und Leibtherapie: Ein Ganzheitlicher Weg leibbezogener Psychotherapeutic (Integrative Therapic Schriften zu Theorie, Methodik und Praxis Bd 1/1) (p.59-172)
Personality Theory

Richard Stevens, Understanding the Self, London: Sage Publication. 1997 – ISBN 0761950397

Developmental Theory

Rutter, M., Hay, D.F., Development Through Life. A handbook for clinicians, Blackwell Science, Oxford, London 1994.

Evolutionary Psychology

Workman, L., Reader, W., Evolutionary Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.


Haraway, D., Clinical Supervision, Sage, London 1995.

Theory of Disease

Hafen, B.Q., Karren, K.J., Frandsen, K.J., Smith, N.L., Mind, body health, Allyn and Bacon, Boston 1996.